Saturday 27th early start

Today started at 4.30am as I was awoken by Tarkka & Inko barking to go out. Amazed myself at how fast I could jump out of bed and get them into the garden to go toilet. Then I put them back into the crate (this time with a towle over the front) and headed back to sleep.
6.30am Josh wakes and calls out to me asking if he could get up? Clue puppies barking. So at this point we all got up, headed out to the garden to watch the morning begin. Tarkka & Inko chased each other around right up til 9am when Paula & Adam started out on there journey home with Inko, who was now ready for a kip. We now had to get ready for a journey of our own as today was my step dad's 60th birthday party. So of we went to spend the day in Somerset. Tarkka met loads of family and a couple of dogs however spent a lot of the day outside in mum's back garden in his car crate (by choice most of the time). He was brill & even travelled back in his car crate. After lots of playing when we got home we all went to bed at 10.30. Tarkka barked for a few mins but soon went off to sleep.

Tarkka chilling out after running around with my niece's & nephews.

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