Slugs, Snails & Puppy dogs tails

Yes with the arrival of wet weather Tarkka has taken to bringing in Slugs & Snails, he tries to sneak past me heading for his crate so he can eat them, but with help from Josh (calling from the garden that Tarkka has something in his mouth) I'm able to do a quick exchange for a chew toy. Last night we left Tarkka home alone for an hour after tea so we could go off and do the supermarket shop and today I'm upstairs in the office catching up on emails etc while Tarkka is left in the kitchen.
Barking & nipping have become are biggest problem. Tarkka has taken to barking at us when he wants attention, or if you are making a cuppa as he believes I should be feeding him. He also barks at our coffee mugs? We have even resorted to using the pet corrector, however here's a photo of what Tarkka thought of pet corrector.

Nipping - as the days have gone on he has started to nip, we have followed Ian Dunbars advice of calling out Ouch and trying to walk away but Tarkka just barks at you and then either runs around the furniture or follows you trying to nip again. This is normally first thing in the morning & 8-9pm which ties in with him being most active, roll on being able to go out for walks.

This morning I tried to do some pond awareness - failed miserably as Tarkka's attitude is yes mum I know it's a pond and yes I still want to chase frogs and tadpoles so I'm off in.

Tarkka has also taken to creating dens in the bushes and barking and chasing the baby frogs through the bushes, my poor wildlife. Late last night I sat watching the frogs jumping across the decking in the rain heading away from the garden. It could be that it's that time of year for my frogs to move on but I still think Tarkka has helped them make the decision to leave us.

Tarkka charging out of one of his many den's in the bushes.
Today I gave Tarkka his first brush down, he was very good and stood really still.
After been told off for trying to remove the washing off the line as fast as I was pegging it on, we then set up the bubble machine in the garden & Tarkka spent a good half hour chasing bubbles all over (windy days have some benefits).
Tarkka is now tucked up in his crate hopefully having a sleep before Jen & Maija arrive. He did have a temple tantrum about having to go in his crate which involved digging up his vet bed, but I think he's now sound asleep (I assume this as I'm sat upstairs and all is very quiet).

1 comment:

  1. Inko was equally unphased with the pet corrector - she didn't even turn her head when I tried spraying it!!
