Where's this week gone?

So what have we been up to?

Sunday was a quiet day with a big of clicker training and playing in the garden. We also went next door to play with Emily & Harry.

Here's a clip of Tarkka with his & Josh's play tunnel.

Sunday evening we settled down and played the Wii. I was worried that Tarkka might try and jump up while we moved are arms around, fear not.

As for the rest of this week so far, I'm not sure what we have done, it's all been a bit of a blur, (so much so that I forgot my physio appointment today, whoops) Tarkka has been to Cubs twice and met other dogs. He has also sat nicely and watched the boys on their bikes, looked up at helicopters/aeroplanes and barked at birds. Tarkka has had his teeth cleaned most days and had a brush every other. He's putting on lots of weight, not sure I will be able to carry him much longer.

One really big surprise for Tarkka was going to spend the evening last night with Maija, Neka, Keskiyo & Annie Bear. Reason - George was out at a meeting plus Jay & I had an Exonian Canine Association meeting. So Jen volunteered to puppy sit. Thank you Jen (mum), hope you have got over your migraine.

Tomorrow we go to puppy class, first one. Tonight we have got friends coming over for tea, more cuddles. Tomorrow is also nail clipping day yippee you hear me cry...................not (of well I've got to get use to it).

Tarkka was entered into his first show but not for competition so he will be going to his first show on the 6th Dec to watch & learn from his mum, dad, Apina and Kippis.

Today I bought Tarkka a reflective coat to wear (partly for fun) but also so I can see him in the garden at night. Don't think it will last long.

Josh has been great these last few weeks he has really taken to Tarkka and had it his own responsibility to look after him downstairs from 7.15 - 8am giving me a chance to grab a shower & sort the school bags out etc. He takes Tarkka out in the garden & cleans up after him and plays with him in Tarkka's enclosed zone (kitchen). I'm really proud of my little boy and think Tarkka and Josh now have a really close bond.

What's in store for the rest of the week? Well I still want to get to the station, puppy class, more friends coming over Friday and then it's the weekend with the dreaded microchiping on Monday.

Things I have been doing wrong (will enlighten you on a few things)

1) Letting Tarkka have my yogurt pots when I've finished with them - I now have a dog that barks the moment he sees a yogurt pot & goes mad.

2) Lifting/moving the settee every time Tarkka gets a kitten ball stuck under the sofa (other option is to let him go berserk running round & round the sofa barking)

3) Not putting Tarkka on a lead when taking him out in the garden causing problems last night when Tarkka wanted to go to the loo but as soon as his lead went on at Jen's he thought he was going for a walk & wouldn't go wee - until Jen took over (I promise I will try harder)

4) Letting Tarkka bark & try and eat the pattern on the back room carpet (any ideas how I can make Tarkka understand it's just the pattern on the carpet?)

5) 6am after going out in the garden I make a cuppa and sit down in the back room (can't remember last time I sat in the front room, might start calling it a parlour) anyway as soon as I sit down with my cuppa, Tarkka barks & yes I pick him up and he cuddles in with me on the settee.

6) Leaving back door open when I take Tarkka out to go wee in the rain - Tarkka then ran back in & went wee on the carpet in the warm & dry - another reason why he should be on his lead, I know.

I'm sure I'm making loads more mistakes but these are the ones I've realised and now need to try and improve on.

So much for me training Tarkka, I think he's doing a really good job of training me.

1 comment:

  1. Love the video, but made the mistake of playing it with the sound on and Inko, who had been quietly curled up by my feet, then woke up when she heard Tarkka bark and went to try and find him!!

