Weekend away

Firstly I must reassure you all that Tarkka is now fine and back to his naughty self after his rescue by the fire brigade the other weekend.

Rolling in fox/badger poo in the mornings so I have had to bath him :-( yes back to normal naughty Tarkka.

Moulting heavily all over the house - joy of joy. The bath did help but I still seem to be brushing out half his coat every night and as he passes me still taking out the plugs of lifted hair.

Anyway with these lovely thoughts in mind I headed off this weekend for puppy cuddles :-)

With George in charge of the boys footie team at a local tournament and also on call all weekend with work and Josh playing football, I asked Shelley if she fancied a girls weekend away for puppy cuddles.

Karen and Andy Lee had kindly offered to put us up (or is it put up with us) for the weekend. So late Friday we headed east. We didn't have a clue which way we were going as we let sat nav lead while we chatted away. The hours slipped away and before we knew it we had arrived and were greeted by Karen and Andy's 3 Finnish Lapphunds. After tea we sat yapping til gone midnight and needless to say I was fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

By Saturday I was so excited I thought I might burst. We set off on the hour drive over to Pevensey and it was a bright sunny day with a gentle breeze off the sea.

On arrival we were greeted by Blizz and Unikko who of course got lots of fuss and attention. Susanne was making the most of the lovely weather by having the puppies out in the garden in the biggest puppy pen I've ever seen.

After taking over Susanne's kitchen with camera and laptop and having had a lovely cuppa tea we headed out to see Unikko and Musse litter. WOW what a lovely chunky litter and so active and full of fun, which included climbing all over us, chewing my shoes, nipping my belly and t-shirt (I was sat on the floor in the pen). Even asleep they were funny as they have taken to fighting to sleep in the water bowl. I lost count of how many times I lifted a wet puppy out of the bowl.

As Susanne had already had other people over for cuddles Shelley and I offered to help Susanne with the weekly weigh in and also take some photo's of the puppies. So while Susanne weighed, I scribed, Shelley then set the puppy up on a table ready for me to take photo's, sounds easy doesn't it...............not a chance. Pups are getting so big Susanne struggling to get them on the scales and as for photo's I took 249 photo's to get a couple of good shots of each lol

We took lots of breaks as the photo's took some time so we kept leaving the pups to have naps and then try again hoping if they were still a little sleepy they would be easier to photograph ha if only.

After lots of cuddles and lapphund talk it was time to leave Susanne, Unikko and pups to have some rest. So I reluctantly said goodbye and headed back to the Lees to tell them all about our fab afternoon over a chinese.

Sunday we made the long trip home Plymouth - Pevensey is just over 5 hour each way so having great Lappy friends who put us up to break the journey and also having another great friend in Shelley who was happy to be dragged around the country at the weekend to keep me company added to this special trip.

We now have a 3 week wait before we collect our lappy and it's going to be a very long 3 weeks however Susanne is going to be very busy over these 3 weeks as pups are now being weaned and she has puppy house checks to do (sorry lots of driving for Susanne) as well as other families still going for puppy visits. While we wait we are trying to recall how hard having a puppy is as Tarkka is nearly 3 and you quickly forget so we are double checking the garden, kitchen and dinning room for anything little lappies will chew.

For photo's of the yummy puppies and to read about Susannes journey with Unikko and Musse litter check out http://lappvikens.blogspot.com/

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